Personal development through the performing arts

Anna Sabaté


Bachelor’s degree in Performing Arts from Institut del Teatre.

Certified in Coaching and Leadership.

Master Practitioner in NLP

Master’s Degree in Executive and Personal Coaching.

Graduated as an actress and teacher in Meisner Technique for professional actors in Javier Galitó-Cava’s Meisner Technique Program.


Anna has completed her training with professionals such as Anatoli Vassiliev, Krystian Lupa, Carlos Alfaro, José Sanchis Sinisterra, Ferrucho Soleri, Pablo Messiez, Javier Daulte, Javier Galitó-Cava, Carmen Rico, Alejandro Giles, and many others, as well as at the Roy-Hart Theatre Center. She combines her career as an actress and director by teaching voice and acting courses at the Institut del Teatre, providing personalized training for actors as an acting coach, and teaching Meisner Technique interpretation classes.

We have seen her as an actress in plays such as “Escenas de Matrimonio” by Ingmar Bergman, “La nostra mort de cada dia” by Manuel de Pedrolo, “El desvetllament d’una papallona nocturna” by Virginia Woolf, and “Camargate” by collective creation.

In cinema, her notable works include the series “Comtes,” directed by Carles Porta, “Júlia ist,” directed by Elena Martín (Silver Biznaga for Best Film and Best Direction at the Málaga Film Festival), “Ojos Negros,” directed by Marta Lallana and Ivet Castelo (Silver Biznaga at the Málaga Film Festival), and “La vida sense la Sara Amat,” directed by Laura Jou.


He teaches regular creativity and personal development courses of his own Sabaté Method© at Espai Philae – Theater and Consciousness.

She is part of the team of teachers of the Post-graduate course in performing arts and social action promoted by the Institut del Teatre.

She is part of the teaching teams of the Master’s Degree in Personal Development and Leadership, Master’s Degree in Personal Branding, Mayéutik Coaching and Conscious Women of the educational platform Kuestiona, founded by Borja Vilaseca.

He teaches communication, expression and leadership workshops for companies, as well as executive coaching processes. Theatre and Consciousness Sabaté Method© also collaborates with the Enginy project of the Consorci de Barcelona aimed at secondary and high school institutes.