Anna Guasch

Graduate in Advertising and Public Relations from the Blanquerna Faculty of Communication of the Ramon Llull University.
She is currently the founder, professor and communication director of the new Center for High Creative Performance BARCELONA SCHOOL OF CREATIVITY where she teaches Inside-Out Creativity classes. It also offers monthly workshops and regular sessions of MLC, Shell Release Method© and Conscious Gest©.
Diploma in the Shell Release Method© 2010-2012.
Training “Mental and emotional armor” with Sylvie Berube in 2013.
Member of the MLC-IT Spain Association.
Continuous training and supervision at MLC© with Marie-Lise Labonté and Gloria Lerín.
Organizer of the training of the Shell Release Method© 2021-2022.
Diploma in Gest Conscient© with Àngels Massagué in 2018.
Participant in Sensory Awareness workshops since 2008 with Glòria Lerín, Àngels Massagué, Lee Klinger Lesser, Ute Strub and Enric Bruguera.