If you want to acquire more resources for body awareness and energy unlocking to let all your creative capacity emerge and enhance your well-being, this Master is for you!
A new proposal from Espai Philae y Cía. Nigredo in collaboration with the Dau al Sec theater, for actors/actresses, playwrights and other accomplices of the scene, as well as students of Theater and Consciousness.
From 21 of September 2024 to 5 of May 2025
Saturdays, from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. 2 Saturdays a month, from September to May, + 1 intensive weekend before the premiere. Extra sessions of memorization of the texts are contemplated outside of class hours. To determinate.
Body awareness for Theater and Consciousness students and individuals interested in conscious body work, as well as for actors, dancers, and musicians.
From October 9th 2024, to April 2nd 2025.
Wednesdays from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM.
Improvisación y juego teatral para explorar nuestra creatividad.Eres inmediatez. Fluidez. Improvisación. Y también eres error. Porque equivocarse es parte del juego. De la improvisación teatral y de la vida.
From October 3, 2024, to June 26, 2025.
Thursdays from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM.
Anna has an incredibly surprising facet: that of being a catalyst for change and personal growth within a management team. Anna has an instinct for understanding people from the inside and bringing out their fears, complexes, virtues, and potential in a way I had never seen before.
Anna has been a true weekly guide in my current process of transformation and change. Through her relentless and solid teaching, I have discovered the presence of genuine human quality and determination, and I feel immensely grateful for her honesty and for being so respectful of individual work and process.
Anna Sabaté masterfully combines boundless energy with great precision in her work in the classroom. Her goal is to bring out the best in each person, in every moment. “Teatro y Consciencia” is an excellent personal development training program that utilizes theater as a powerful tool.
I have always been a big fan of Anna Sabaté as an actress. Finally, I had the opportunity to experience her as a teacher, and it was an absolute delight. Her sensitivity and empathy allow her to see through you and accompany you in your personal and artistic discovery to unexpected depths of your being.
Through theater, we are able to feel, listen, understand, empathize, and connect with the human being in front of us in a deep and authentic way. Without fear of being judged. Allowing oneself to be guided by Anna is a privilege that allows us to delve into the deepest parts of ourselves.
Anna is the kind of professional who never gives up, who listens from the heart to her students. She has the gift of communication and has learned from the best. She will accompany you throughout the process and will not abandon you. I highly recommend experiencing this with this beautiful and adorable woman of steel.
Anna is diligent, trustworthy, and has a deep understanding of the field of human relationships. She is respectful and honest, and knows how to bring each person to a higher level of performance and self-awareness, with measurable and tangible results.