Personal development through the performing arts


Philae is the Egyptian temple of the goddess Isis.

Isis is one of the main deities in the Egyptian pantheon. She is the mother goddess, associated with fertility and motherhood, providing protection and warmth to her children, and therefore the center of many cults related to life. She is also considered the goddess of magic and wisdom.

Espai Philae represents the dream of Anna Sabaté, creator of Teatro y Consciencia Método Sabaté, an educational project where art becomes a vehicle for awakening consciousness, taking personal responsibility, and empowering life.


Espai Philae offers a wide range of educational opportunities through Performing Arts, aimed at anyone who wants to advance in their personal journey through the development of their human and creative potential.


Espai Philae offers a space for ongoing training for all those who wish to grow and evolve through our tools while feeling at home. That is why our range of activities allows us to access different complementary disciplines, as well as community spaces such as nature retreats or research laboratories like PhilaeLab, or the theatrical creation workshops of the Anna Sabaté Teatro company.


Espai Philae collaborates with projects that are aligned with our philosophy and values, where self-awareness work is essential for raising awareness and gaining a deeper understanding of oneself and the world around us.