Personal development through the performing arts

Gerard Arlandes

Gerard Arlandes (Barcelona, ​​1951) is a philosopher from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (1971-1977), a dancer with a scholarship from the Escola de Dansa Anna Maleras (1976-1979) and a teacher of tai chi and body education from the Stillpoint Foundation (Colorado USA. ) Has studied: Conscious Movement (Aberasturi Method), Yoga, Katsu-gen, Yuki, Voice Craft (singing), Feldenkrais Method. Working as a professional dancer in different Spanish and German companies. In 1979 he obtained a scholarship from the Stillpoint Foundation (USA) directed by Gia-fu Feng. It is trained in: Qi Gong, Taichichuan, Taoist philosophy, knowledge of medicine, Chinese calligraphy and language.

He teaches dance and body techniques: Taichi, Qi Gong, self-massage, breathing techniques and placement in Germany, Holland, Switzerland and Austria: Münster, Düsseldorf, Köln, Hamburg, München, Berlin, Amsterdam, Zürich, Bern, Basel, Vienna. He currently directs the Centre Gerard Arlandes together with Sybille Karsch.

He works in Barcelona as a body education teacher and teaches his own Contemporary Chi Kung technique. He is a philosophical and body techniques advisor for professionals and businessmen as well as universities and institutes in Germany, Switzerland and Spain.