Èlia Genís Rodríguez

Graduated with a higher degree in Choreography and Performance from the Barcelona Theater Institute. Researcher of somatic practices applied to the performing arts, certified in the Feldenkrais Method and in BMC (Body Mind Centering) training, dance movement therapist, who applies dance for social action. Trained as a level 1 teacher of Keep Moving Method, a methodology created by Mercedes Boronat, with whom she has learned and collaborated for more than twenty years as a performer in different shows, as well as different pedagogical proposals from which she disseminates her work methodology. by people who are dedicated to the world of the stage.
She began in classical dance trained by the Royal Academy of Ballet but from a very young age expanded the concept of dance towards a multidisciplinary perspective where dance, theater and art come together to give her a broader perspective, directing her interest towards contemporary creation.
In the pedagogical field, she works from the field of somatic education and creative processes, contributing this knowledge in the formal and non-formal field of performing arts education, collaborating as a pedagogue in training schools for actors such as La Bobina, Eòlia and Laura Jou, and alternative dance spaces such as Tragantdansa and La Visiva.