Personal development through the performing arts


8 Oct

Training for Warriors

1st trimesterMeisner Technique with Anna SabatéThe warrior training is a more in-depth approach to the Meisner Technique tools for professional actors, combined with the Sabaté Method© for self-awareness work. It builds upon what was learned and integrated during the first trimester of the trainer training, where we learned to truly live under imaginary circumstances from the character\'s perspective on the stage [+]

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2 Oct

Move and Move

With Raimon ÀvilaOne way to advance in self-knowledge and personal growth is to unlock the body. Tensions and bodily blockages keep us prisoners of certain mental patterns. And bodily awareness, the knowledge of these rigidities, can free us to the point where we can connect with our emotions in a more honest way. Only then can we be ourselves. Only then can we fulfill ourselves. Only then can we grow [+]

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2 Oct

Teatro y Consciencia© Level 1

With Anna SabatéThe analytical and rational knowledge dominates our efforts to understand ourselves. However, any path towards self-knowledge requires an honest and deep immersion into a dimension that is unfortunately often overlooked: the non-linguistic wisdom of the body. After all, emotions, intuitions, and the deepest truths of ourselves reside beyond rational thought. We must find a way to reach them [+]

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2 Oct

Teatro y Consciencia© Level 2

With Anna SabatéOne of the great weaknesses in our relationships with other human beings lies in our lack of self-knowledge. We cannot truly delve into others if we have not delved into our own being first. A challenge that we address at Espai Philae through the performing arts in the Theater and Consciousness© Level 1 course. But there is another major weakness: the tyranny of the ego that prevents us from listening and empathizing with others [+]

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26 Sep

Teatro y Consciencia© Level 3

Sabaté Method Certification©With Anna SabatéMany professionals are dedicated to the academic, professional, or personal development of individuals. There are teachers, coaches, trainers, consultants, therapists, and spiritual teachers, among many others. But they all have something in common: a great responsibility on their shoulders. Guiding someone on their learning journey requires commitment, but above all, it requires self-knowledge [+]

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12 Jul

Move & Move intensive

With Raimon ÀvilaStage work requires a sensitive, unlocked, conscious, empathetic, centered and emotionally available body.The course consists of intense sessions that lead to an optimal state of relaxation, concentration and vital energy through the corpus of exercises collected in the book MOURE I COMMOURE, written by Raimon Àvila.After more than 30 years teaching classes to actors, musicians and dancers, Àvila has developed a unique and personal work that allows us to open, on the one hand, perception, listening and sensitivity and, on the other, strengthen rooting (contact with the ground), the center and the verticality [+]

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5 Jul

Theater and Consciousness© intensive

With Anna SabatéDo you feel like you are not experiencing your life? Do you feel like you are not experiencing yourself authentically and honestly? You are not alone. There are many people who share this feeling. The reason is that they are still fighting to be someone different. Accepting our essential nature is the path we need to take to experience ourselves and experience life in its fullness [+]

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11 Apr


With the Shell Release Method® and Conscious Gest®With Anna GuaschA weekly proposal of body and automatic writing, body and unconscious, body and creativity.The purpose of the Shell Release Method® (MLC®), created by Marie Lise Labonté, is to free us from physical and/or psychic and/or emotional rigidities, to return to the body its own spontaneous movement. Her body proposal is the result of Carl Gustav Jung\'s unconscious work, Wilhelm Reich\'s shell theory and Thérèse Bertherat\'s antigymnasia® body work [+]

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