Personal development through the performing arts

Training for Warriors

With Anna Sabaté

The warrior training is a more in-depth approach to the Meisner Technique tools for professional actors, combined with the Sabaté Method© for self-awareness work. It builds upon what was learned and integrated during the first trimester of the trainer training, where we learned to truly live under imaginary circumstances from the character’s perspective on the stage.

The work will be combined with masterclasses from other colleagues or partners in the theater, actors, and theater teachers who, through body, voice, or other acting techniques, can enrich and deepen the work on scenes or monologues.

We will create a magical space where we become creators of our own reality, eager to learn how to live and continue delving into the depths of human emotions. It’s a complete exercise in trust, dedication, teamwork, listening, and leaps of faith.

The duration of the training will be tailored to the individual circumstances of each student, allowing them to choose between 3, 6, or 9 months. Depending on the number of students and the chosen duration, there may be the opportunity to have a public performance.

(*) This course is only open to students who have completed the third year of Theater and Consciousness©, even if they have not obtained the graduation certificate.


  • Strengthen the actor’s self-confidence and self-esteem to dare to delve into their artistic and creative potential.
  • Body awareness and use focused on active listening and the release of fully organic impulses.
  • Recognize and transmute the cultural masks that prevent us from fully living through sensory openness to the here and now and contact with our internal strength and abilities.
  • Enter into connection with oneself in an intimate and subtle way, transcending the actor’s ego to enter the imaginary world that links us to our character.
  • Develop the ability to listen, attend, be present, and concentrate to live in the present, in the here and now.
  • Enhance imagination, intuition, and creative unconscious.
  • Transform personal resistances into positive mental attitudes.
  • Learn to “live truthfully under imaginary circumstances”, that is, from the impulses of the characters in the imaginary circumstances set by the text.


  • Exercises for relaxation, concentration, attention, and centering.
  • Oral expression: the connection between thought, emotion, body, and voice.
  • Questioning and flexibilizing belief systems that hinder the flow in performance and block the ability to embody the character’s life.
  • Active listening and its impact on our behavior.
  • The repetition technique as the foundation of Meisner Technique to free the actor from habits or customs that prevent them from acting freely from impulses.
  • Rediscovering one’s own instinct and allowing it to manifest freely through each character the actor portrays.
  • Emotional preparation to arrive emotionally full and activated on stage.
  • The relationship to approach imaginary circumstances created through the connection with the other.
  • Developing the character by delving into the threshold of our unconscious to expand our acting range through the expression of our inner world, using texts and monologues proposed by the students.

Schedule and prices


To all those who have completed the 3 levels of Theater and Consciousness©


From October 8 2024 to April 1rst, 2025


Tuesdays from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM.

Price Pack 6 months - €660 Pack 3 months - €360

Cancellation Policy

. In case of cancellation up to 30 days before the start of the training, the course fee will be refunded, except for the registration deposit.

. In case of cancellation up to 15 days before starting the training, 50% of the course will be refunded, except for the registration deposit.

. In case of cancellation within 15 days before starting the training, or once it has started, the amount paid will NOT be refunded.

Pre-registration form