Personal development through the performing arts


15 May

Microemotions Training.

With Carmen RicoNational and international professionals know the need for new development highways of creation and empowerment of our emotions to evolve as performers.Emotion is information that comes from our depth and gives us adaptive capacities. As actors and actresses we use emotion to adapt to the reality generated by our imagination. It is important to apply to the character the emotions that she needs to be able to adapt to the given circumstances in which she has to live [+]

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11 Apr


With the Shell Release Method® and Conscious Gest®With Anna GuaschA weekly proposal of body and automatic writing, body and unconscious, body and creativity.The purpose of the Shell Release Method® (MLC®), created by Marie Lise Labonté, is to free us from physical and/or psychic and/or emotional rigidities, to return to the body its own spontaneous movement. Her body proposal is the result of Carl Gustav Jung\'s unconscious work, Wilhelm Reich\'s shell theory and Thérèse Bertherat\'s antigymnasia® body work [+]

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8 Apr

Your voice – a journey to the heart

With Carola ZafaranaCarola loves to see and feel how people discover enjoyment in their singing. Singing is innate to human beings, we express ourselves through our voices since the beginning of time. It\'s not about singing well, it\'s not even about doing a lot of technical exercises, it\'s much more about remembering. Feel how your breathing takes place by itself, without doing anything special because that\'s how we were born [+]

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3 Apr

Keep Moving Method Level 1

Tune into creative potential through movement.With Èlia Genís, Keep Moving teacher Level 1 MethodKeep Moving is a psychophysical methodology to achieve the state of consciousness necessary to become creative beings in action. It is created by Mercedes Boronat, who after 30 years of professionalism in the performing arts, brings to light the methodology for the development of human creativity [+]

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