“The Treasure” – Theater Creation Workshop
The students of this year’s Theatrical Creation Workshop, guided by Albert Tola and Rodrigo García Olza, have created the new theatrical piece that will premiere on May 31 at the Dau al Sec theater.
“The Treasure” is a piece created from writing exercises and theatrical improvisations by the participants of the fourth Espai Philae creation workshop, in collaboration with Dau al Sec y Cia. Nigredo, based on the theme of love.
Perhaps love is one of the greatest forces that move us as people. What to do with this enormous force? How to relate to her? In our creation workshop on love we do not seek any answer to this problem. Through acting and movement improvisations and guided writing exercises we have sought the artistic expression of our emotions, their release through their integration and the subsequent internal reflection that may imply for the participants of the process, as well as for those of us who teach it. , because as we always mention, this is not a therapeutic workshop, but rather an artistic creation workshop where we work on symbolic landscapes of the unconscious in order to open something that each one will have the freedom to keep for themselves or to share in an artistic way.
If you do not want to miss the opportunity to see a play created and prepared by the students themselves, we provide you with the direct link to purchase tickets below:
The performances will be on May 31, June 1, 2 and 3.
Limited capacity!