Personal development through the performing arts
25 Jun

From being emotional to being exciting

Carmen Rico calls herself a “stage cardiologist” for her exquisite research on the emotional apparatus of the actor/actress. Through her work with the Neuro-Scene, she leads us to the detailed analysis of all the emotions to analyze all the stops and journeys that emotion travels within us. She has worked with more than 7,000 actors all over the world.

Emotion is a pre-conscious behavior pattern that is activated in the limbic system. in situations that can alter our nervous system. It is information that comes of our depth and gives us adaptive capacities. As actors and actresses We use emotion to adapt to a reality that our imagination generates. Is It is important to apply to the character the emotions that she needs to be able to adapt to the given circumstances that you have to live. And knowing how to do it in front of the camera is quite a
challenge that comes with acquiring a master’s degree.

We will talk about all this in the next talk we will give at Espai Philae on Tuesday, the 25th, June at 5:00 p.m.

Limited places!