Theater and Consciousness© intensive
With Anna SabatéDo you feel like you are not experiencing your life? Do you feel like you are not experiencing yourself authentically and honestly? You are not alone. There are many people who share this feeling. The reason is that they are still fighting to be someone different. Accepting our essential nature is the path we need to take to experience ourselves and experience life in its fullness [+]
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With the Shell Release Method® and Conscious Gest®With Anna GuaschA weekly proposal of body and automatic writing, body and unconscious, body and creativity.The purpose of the Shell Release Method® (MLC®), created by Marie Lise Labonté, is to free us from physical and/or psychic and/or emotional rigidities, to return to the body its own spontaneous movement. Her body proposal is the result of Carl Gustav Jung\'s unconscious work, Wilhelm Reich\'s shell theory and Thérèse Bertherat\'s antigymnasia® body work [+]
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Your voice – a journey to the heart
With Carola ZafaranaCarola loves to see and feel how people discover enjoyment in their singing. Singing is innate to human beings, we express ourselves through our voices since the beginning of time. It\'s not about singing well, it\'s not even about doing a lot of technical exercises, it\'s much more about remembering. Feel how your breathing takes place by itself, without doing anything special because that\'s how we were born [+]
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Keep Moving Method Level 1
Tune into creative potential through movement.With Èlia Genís, Keep Moving teacher Level 1 MethodKeep Moving is a psychophysical methodology to achieve the state of consciousness necessary to become creative beings in action. It is created by Mercedes Boronat, who after 30 years of professionalism in the performing arts, brings to light the methodology for the development of human creativity [+]
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Re-Connect with your emotions intensive
With Narcís PellicerEmotions are psychophysiological reactions that are part of our natural equipment. When we are children we live them with total intensity. the joy The sadness the rage The fear. They travel all over our body to offer us a very valuable experience: our experience as human beings. But little by little we are limiting this experience. We distrust joy. We run away from sadness. We silence the rage [+]
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LOVING YOU is a gift
(By Narcís Pellicer in collaboration with Ester Visa, Mètode Sabaté© graduate in Theater and Consciousness)What place does your relationship occupy right now? What would you like to recover or enhance?
Today there are many models of relationships, but whatever they are, they all go through different stages. Many of the challenges appear after life changes such as starting a cohabitation, becoming parents, reconstituted families, job changes, wanting to open a relationship, or one\'s own individual evolution [+]
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Clown Consciousness Initiation
with Pau RossellA workshop to get started in the work of Clown Consciousness.We understand clown as a state that we all possess and to which we can all voluntarily access.This state shares several aspects with the state in which boys and girls live: Passionate, innocent, honest, sometimes clumsy, living in the present, without judgment, transparent, naive, vulnerable, tender.We start from scratch to reach the \"clown state\" through body and movement, a lot of play and improvisations [+]
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Life in motion
with Victoria Colom\"Life in motion\" is a method of self-knowledge and personal transformation, through movement, consciousness and dance. This pedagogy is based on expanding consciousness to see and understand the physical, mental and emotional structure that we have created over the course of our lives. This helps us broaden our gaze towards ourselves to recognize ourselves in our personality and in the love of our essential Being [+]
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