Personal development through the performing arts
4 Oct
06 Oct

Feel, Move and Know

1st Espai Philae Retreat

This retreat is the first to open to the entire Espai Philae community, you just have to have taken one of our training courses to be able to enjoy the “match” between Anna Sabaté and Raimon Àvila, the two most important and longest-serving professors at the school.

We are going to open internal spaces of clairvoyance where images, visions, or stagnant emotions that allow us to access the creative wealth of our unconscious.

Connect, tune in, open the channel.

The price of the complete retreat will be €245, which includes accommodation and meals. All inclusive.

On October 4, 5 and 6, 2024.

The place is the Fundació La Plana, Sta. Maria d’Oló, province of Barcelona

You can register for the retreat by sending an email to indicating your name and last name, name of the course and year in which you took.

Places are limited!


Friday, October 4

17:00 Arrival at the La Plana Foundation 18:00 – 19:00 OPENING SESSION. Anna Sabate 19:00 – 21:00 THE SENSORY CONNECTION. Raimon Ávila. 9:00 p.m. DINNER

Saturday, October 5

9:00 BREAKFAST 10:00 – 12:00 SELF-SUPPORT AND ROOTING. Raimon Avila 12:00 – 14:00 RELEASE THE MOVEMENT. Raimon Avila 14:00 LUNCH 16:00 – 18:00 LISTEN AND FLOW. Raimon Avila 18:00 – 20:00 EMOTIONAL COMMUNICATION. Anna Sabate

Sunday, October 6

9:00 BREAKFAST 10:00 – 10:30 UNBLOCKING AND ENERGIZING WARM-UP. Raimon Avila 10:30 – 13:00 GAME AND IMPROVISATIONS. Anna Sabate 13:00 – 14:00 INTEGRATION AND CLOSING. Anna Sabaté and Raimon Àvila.


OPENING SESSION We will welcome all participants. We will present the bases of the withdrawal and We will begin to open the necessary questions to move through the main topic of the Retreat: connect with your wisdom.

THE SENSORY CONNECTION We will open to the somatic/sensory space, the elimination of body armor and the listen through breathing exercises, neck release, joint mobility, manipulations, unlocking, shocks and massages.

SELF-SUPPORT AND ROOTING The Self, Now and Here. Invitation to enter a shamanic beginning from rooting, verticality, empowerment, group rhythms and interaction with the tribe.

RELEASE THE MOVEMENT Through the practice of Seitai (Yuki and Katsugen Undo) we release the movement by releasing all the accumulated tensions that prevent you from accessing all your energy reserves, and therefore, to your full potential.

LISTEN AND FLOW We will learn the difference between squeezing and holding or leaning and flowing. An open body who listens and does not protect themselves from possible external “threats” allow themselves to feel and connect with your inner wisdom.

EMOTIONAL COMMUNICATION Having encompassed and harmonized all the body energy available to let go and perceive beyond our mind, we connect with instinct, we open our heart and we We let ourselves feel the emotional flow that arises from interpersonal dialogue.

GAME AND IMPROVISATIONS Living diverse situations from different prisms than ours allows us to expand our range of expressive possibilities and achieve peak moments of emotional flow, experiencing the pleasure that the connection with our body gives us. Thus, we access in an easy and enjoyable way the knowledge that emerges from our unconscious, opening us to the vast world of the imagination.


Fundación La Plana Tel. 93 838 52 03 E-mail: Dirección: Mas La Plana – Sta. Maria d’Oló Envíos: Apt. de correos 7 – 08271 Artés