Speaking to me from myself
Public speaking, communication and leadershipwith Míriam EscurriolaPersonalized training in the field of public speaking, communication and leadership points out the relevant and profound situations and aspects of your communication habits and gives you ideas to improve the way you manage them effectively. It challenges you to go beyond where you normally stay and helps you make the most of your skills and competencies [+]
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Your voice – a journey to the heart
With Carola ZafaranaCarola loves to see and feel how people discover enjoyment in their singing. Singing is innate to human beings, we express ourselves through our voices since the beginning of time. It\'s not about singing well, it\'s not even about doing a lot of technical exercises, it\'s much more about remembering. Feel how your breathing takes place by itself, without doing anything special because that\'s how we were born [+]
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