Personal development through the performing arts


8 Jan

Stop acting and start living (NEW REGISTRATIONS)

De-Learning and acting organization for professional performers.By Anna Sabaté with the collaboration of Teresa García ValenzuelaA seminar aimed at active actors and actresses who wish to keep their instruments in tune, understanding that the specificity, richness and organicity of each performer is unique and goes through permanent training that allows us to easily and safely access each of the challenges [+]

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30 Nov

Vulnerability in front of the camera

With Santi SensoWe work with emotional archetypes and the “personality” that inhabits the interpreterWork in progress to learn the language developed by the actor, director, playwright, scriptwriter and teacher Santi Senso, focused on the work of the performer in front of the camera based on group dynamics and the elaboration of texts, to open ourselves to vulnerability and enhance the honesty of emotion [+]

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9 Oct

Stop acting and start living

De-Learning and acting organization for professional performers.By Anna Sabaté with the collaboration of Teresa García ValenzuelaA seminar aimed at active actors and actresses who wish to keep their instruments in tune, understanding that the specificity, richness and organicity of each performer is unique and goes through permanent training that allows us to easily and safely access each of the challenges [+]

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15 May

Microemotions Training.

With Carmen RicoNational and international professionals know the need for new development highways of creation and empowerment of our emotions to evolve as performers.Emotion is information that comes from our depth and gives us adaptive capacities. As actors and actresses we use emotion to adapt to the reality generated by our imagination. It is important to apply to the character the emotions that she needs to be able to adapt to the given circumstances in which she has to live [+]

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