Personal development through the performing arts


4 Jul

Teatro y Consciencia© intensive

With Anna SabatéDo you feel like you\'re not experiencing your life? Do you feel like you\'re not experiencing yourself in an authentic and honest way? You\'re not alone. There are so many people who feel that way. The reason is that they\'re still struggling to be someone different. Accepting our essential nature is the path we need to take to experience ourselves and life in its fullness. But it\'s hard to accept yourself when you don\'t even know yourself [+]

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27 Jan

To be seen

With Esteban Kukuriczka and Sol KohanoffAbandon oneself. Be lost. Embrace mystery and uncertainty. Let go of the notion of the Self, of authorship, of individual genius. May creation emerge from openness to encounter with the other. Open to the other, to feel, to stay there. Go to a porous, available, sensitive body to create from there. Understand the performance from that framework, from that space that creates with the other [+]

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