Personal development through the performing arts


18 Oct

5 Rithms®-HARA

With Ana EscodaThe Belly, that powerful muscular sphere where we place the center of gravity of our body, is also a point where forces converge that connect all its parts.Inside are the organs of assimilation and elimination that function at an unconscious level and are where the energetic transformation of the human being is elaborated, the mystery of procreation, where life begins.Easterners claim that the connection between spirit and body occurs there, and they practice their consciousness to find the essence of their own strength and balance [+]

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20 Sep


Graduations of emotion in front of the cameraWith Carmen RicoNational and international professionals know the need for new development highways of creation and empowerment of our emotions to evolve as performers.Emotion is information that comes from our depth and gives us adaptive capacities. As actors and actresses we use emotion to adapt to the reality generated by our imagination. It is important to apply to the character the emotions that she needs to be able to adapt to the given circumstances in which she has to live [+]

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12 Jul

Move & Move intensive

With Raimon ÀvilaStage work requires a sensitive, unlocked, conscious, empathetic, centered and emotionally available body.The course consists of intense sessions that lead to an optimal state of relaxation, concentration and vital energy through the corpus of exercises collected in the book MOURE I COMMOURE, written by Raimon Àvila.After more than 30 years teaching classes to actors, musicians and dancers, Àvila has developed a unique and personal work that allows us to open, on the one hand, perception, listening and sensitivity and, on the other, strengthen rooting (contact with the ground), the center and the verticality [+]

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5 Jul

Theater and Consciousness© intensive

With Anna SabatéDo you feel like you are not experiencing your life? Do you feel like you are not experiencing yourself authentically and honestly? You are not alone. There are many people who share this feeling. The reason is that they are still fighting to be someone different. Accepting our essential nature is the path we need to take to experience ourselves and experience life in its fullness [+]

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