Personal development through the performing arts


12 Jul

Move & Move intensive

With Raimon ÀvilaStage work requires a sensitive, unlocked, conscious, empathetic, centered and emotionally available body.The course consists of intense sessions that lead to an optimal state of relaxation, concentration and vital energy through the corpus of exercises collected in the book MOURE I COMMOURE, written by Raimon Àvila.After more than 30 years teaching classes to actors, musicians and dancers, Àvila has developed a unique and personal work that allows us to open, on the one hand, perception, listening and sensitivity and, on the other, strengthen rooting (contact with the ground), the center and the verticality [+]

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5 Jul

Theater and Consciousness© intensive

With Anna SabatéDo you feel like you are not experiencing your life? Do you feel like you are not experiencing yourself authentically and honestly? You are not alone. There are many people who share this feeling. The reason is that they are still fighting to be someone different. Accepting our essential nature is the path we need to take to experience ourselves and experience life in its fullness [+]

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1 Jul

When the body speaks. Theater for Young People from 12 to 17 years old

This creation workshop is an adventure of self-discovery and mutual modeling that honors one\'s own capacity and sensitivity. This is an opportunity where you can practice listening, integrity, autonomy and collaboration.You will be able to enjoy curiosity and the pleasure of connecting, exploring and talking.The facilitator, Teresa Valenzuela, will create a space where collective creation can be generated in an environment of play, trust and improvisation so that the creative process generates a magical place of presences communicating with each other [+]

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29 Apr

To be seen

With Esteban KukuriczkaAbandon oneself. Be lost. Embrace mystery and uncertainty. Let go of the notion of the Self, of authorship, of individual genius. May creation emerge from openness to encounter with the other. Open to the other, to feel, to stay there. Go to a porous, available, sensitive body to create from there. Understand the performance from that framework, from that space that creates with the other [+]

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